Monday, 31 October 2011

The Met continue their war against whom precisely??

Thomas Paine; a painting by Auguste Millière (...Image via Wikipedia
Thomas Paine

"The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes." Thomas Paine

Now the Met have one of the most dangerous and difficult jobs to do in the UK. But I am beginning to be very concerned that they are not subject to effective oversight that is in line with the UK's constitutional approach to an individuals freedom, encapsulated in the modern phrase of ”Civil Liberty".

You might argue, from a Public Relations point of view, that there general approach owes more to the comedy stylings of the Keystone Cops.

If the secret to good comedy is timing, one wanders whether the Met are comedy geniuses, idiot savants or just genuinely building up a track record of violating civil liberties by covert means?

Today's example of imperilling civil liberties comes from Daily Mail, which states that:

"Law-abiding citizens could be under surveillance via their mobile phones as Met police introduce a new phone-tracking technology, it was revealed today.

Police can now shut off phones remotely, listen in on conversations and gather data about users in a targeted area - even innocent members of the public."

Please follow this link for full details:

Similar questions to yesterday's post applies.

What are your thoughts on this?

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